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Finding Financial Opportunities via Instagram with Polina Pushkareva

By Winston Scott

Most of us are wondering what the future looks like and how the world will move forward during this pandemic. The second question after health concerns for most of us is “How do I make a living and solidify myself financially?” This requires looking at our place in the world and the work force in a much different manner. What is the solution for your financial future? Polina Pushkareva just might have it. This Russian born Instagram blogger/influencer/entrepreneur went from waiting tables to earning hundreds of thousands each month. She’s become one of the most recognized in the field, being interviewed by Cosmopolitan, GQ, Vogue, Ellegirl, and numerous other media publications who hope to relate Pushkareva’s insight to their readership. Fashion TV awarded Polina “Best Extraordinary Blogger of the Year” as a recognition of her massive and effectual influence. In addition to her IG followers who number well over a million.

Ms. Pushkareva has attracted a massive global audience who is curious about how she become a millionaire by age twenty-three via Instagram. As intriguing as her story is, what Polina has established is that even in this chaotic time there is the potential to tap into a new career course which adheres to the demands of the world’s current state.

Instagram needs no explanation but the ability to transform it into a financial foundation is still fairly elusive to the vast majority of the population. Polina’s @nioly IG is so successful because it is founded on the principle of knowing your audience and serving them. Pushkareva concedes that she went through trial and error in her early days as an IG blogger but found her voice rooted in her own personality. She’s adamant about this reflection in one’s IG account. Polina unabashedly tries new things in a constant state of development and transformation. Her authenticity has made her a role model for young dynamic girls while simultaneously being intriguing an audience en masse.

Pursuing a path similar to Pushkareva’s offers the antidote to financial uncertainty in current times. Social distancing, check. Steering one’s own career, check. Financial security, check. What is not clear is how to go about establishing this. Instruction from Polina? Check! Her latest offerings come in the form of two online courses. “Millionaires” and “Managers” are courses which reveal the secrets of development on social networks and earning opportunities. Polina created these Instagram promotion training courses to provide others with the information and practices she had to cultivate on her own. Testing her way through the existing manners of promotion, she arrived at an optimal plan for achieving quick growth. The response to these courses has already been tremendous with a membership of 4,000 for “Millionaires” in Russia alone and 7,000 subscribers to the “Managers” course. With the numbers of bloggers increasing daily, the “Managers” course promises exponential growth.

While entire industries are shut down, social media is experiencing growth and attention as never before. Pushkareva confirms, “I’ve experienced a boom with my info products. There’s been a huge upward tick in online traffic and people are realizing that freelancing is a way to create additional earnings or even a new course for their lives. There’s a big demand for self-study and it’s worldwide. What I offer in my courses is something that is as applicable for someone in Sydney as in Shanghai, New York, Moscow, or anywhere. You can work from any location in the world and the earning potential is massive…if you know how to plan it properly.” Change is unavoidable; when viewed through the lens of opportunity, it can be transformative in an extremely positive way. Polina Pushkareva is way ahead of the curve in both achieving the most current definition of personal and professional success and in presenting the tools for the rest of us to do so.

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