“Plays well with others.” That’s filler material for a grade school report card but when it comes to the professional world, it’s vital. More than almost any other industry, the entertainment world exists on the ability to work with others in less than comfortable environments. Whether on the stage or in the studio, the ability to perform under pressure is paramount, even more so when you are dealing with a number of personalities and egos. Those who aspire to not only “get their shot” but to flourish in the modern musical world would do well to follow the example of Andie Sandoval. This Mexican born/LA based singer-songwriter has worked with a number of renowned artists from all over the world. Creating songs for these artists, working with them to interpret the compositions and often lending her voice to them, Sandoval has cultivated respect and goodwill throughout the community. It is often repeated by music industry insiders that “you want to work with the most talented…but you want to enjoy the process at the same time.” Andie’s ability to write, sing (in different languages), and even rap has led an eclectic list of artists and producers to enlist her talents in creating hits that often speak to fans of many diverse cultures and backgrounds, just like the artists she works with. It’s not surprising that with the accolades her work and performance in conjunction with other singers has garnered, Sandoval is now in the production of her own solo release, the first single of which is already capturing the attention of some of music’s biggest names.
Andie first became highly recognized for her work with Mitre. Louis Mitre is a bi-lingual singer/songwriter/producer from Mexico City who blends alternative, tango, traditional Mexican music, and contemporary sounds. After achieving notable success in Europe, he moved to the US to pursue the LA music scene. Upon learning of and hearing Sandoval’s singing, he asked her to join him to create the musical duo MITRE. The duo quickly created excitement for their work and were featured in Billboard Magazine, BMI.com, and other major music industry media publications. Before the passing of Juan Gabriel, MITRE had created “Luna” for the Mexican music idol(Gabriel)’s album “Querido.” Gabriel himself noted and complimented Sandoval’s vocal performance, likening her to a younger Natalia LaFourcade. As half of MITRE, Andie communicated and endeared herself directly to the bilingual Spanish/English speaking community.
Having the respect of your peers speaks volumes in the music world. It is both an indicator of where one’s abilities currently reside as well as their potential for the future. Guatemalan born, Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Stephanie Zelaya remarks, “Andie was a huge songwriting voice and asset to the success of my album “Es Un Viaje.” Her incredible songwriting chops allowed me to reach heights I could not have imagined. “Es Un Viaje” has been my most successful solo album to date. It received praise critically and with the fans. Andie is an incredible songwriter and I’m excited that she is pursuing her own recordings now. When you see someone as gifted and hard working as Andie, you just can’t wait to see what she creates.”

As more proof of Sandoval’s ability to compose hits for those across the globe, Daryl Wang (producer and songwriter formerly with the industry leading Universal Music Group Taiwan) declares, “When Z.Tao decided to use song “Adore” for his upcoming album we were very excited. To see Ms. Sandoval’s work on this song was truly inspiring. Andie thrived in manipulating her tone and vocals to sound differently across this track. This skill exemplifies her flexibility as a singer and songwriter. On top of her singing and writing chops, her familiarity and ability to rap has made her an incredibly valuable asset to my work and to this song as a whole. Her mastery of melody and vocal deliveries allowed for “Adore” to take on its final form. I cannot imagine that the song would have the same success without Andie’s immense creativity and talent.”
Singers are fond of ballads. Every great vocalists seems to have one signature tune of this kind to allow them to emote from their soul. Sandoval composed the song “Invencible” for Colombian singer Arevalo. Sung by Arevalo and Everett Gabriel and produced by Latin Grammy-nominated producer Andres Torres, Andie not only penned the tune but also worked in the studio with them to provide her artistic input. Amazon, Spotify, and iTunes response has vetted “Invencible” as a bonafide hit. Always looking for an opportunity to stretch herself creatively, Sandoval followed this up with contributing the theme song to the film “30 Days with my Brother” which recently premiered at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. The track entitled “Never Too Late” reflects the intense emotional component of the film which shows two siblings attempting to reconnect after a tragedy has torn their family apart.

With years of helping other artists find the perfect song to communicate their feelings and dreams, it’s about time that Andie finally gave some attention to her own career and the opportunities that her reputation has gained for her. While many espouse their joy over this idea, none more enthusiastically as musician/producer/American Idol judge Randy Jackson. He confirms, “Andie is an amazing singer and one of the things that makes her stand out amongst other great singers is the fact that she is bilingual. This makes her an immensely valuable asset to any project she lends her talents to. The world is an increasingly smaller place and artists like Andie who have the ability to not only communicate but deliver an emotional performance…well, it exponentially increases their fan base. When I first heard her single ‘Gold in the Sand’ I immediately recognized it as a beautifully crafted song. Andie is able to both create a song and deliver it with confidence and passion. ‘Gold in the Sand’ has garnered a lot of attention and praise throughout the industry causing people and the trade publications to take note of this amazing talent.” Andie is currently at work on upcoming production of her Latin pop oriented EP, “Luna” and a Latin pop/electronic EP “Cristal” for music publishing company Ekko Music Inc. under music producer Rafael Esparze Ruiz. Ruiz is known for his work with such household names as Santana, Ricky Martin Kika Edgar, Ednita Nazario, Chayanne, and Luis Fonsi.